The idea is to compile texts, thoughts, reports etc. about netaudio or free music to be published online. Your contribution can be a report about what you have seen or about your own involvement in the festival i.e. workshop, showcase or performances you have given or seen, reports of a discussion, a floor that you liked or did not like, the Netaudio Fair or any other experiences surrounding Netaudio.
Your text doesn’t have to necessarily be about the festival directly, you can also compile your thoughts about sub-themes around netaudio or free music, that are important to you and that can be interesting to others as well.
We hope that you can still remember and if possible can write them down in English. Just let Antina (antina (at) know if you want to contribute, but maybe do not feel so confident with your English as we are sure, we can find a solution (with small messages or an interview if that is all you can put forward).
Drafts should be ready by the end of June 2010.
Now actually, we are working on the publication.
You can read the draft of the table of contents already and you will find the texts shortly under
Live and with love,
The Netaudio Berlin Team
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[…] convocatoria en la página oficial de Netaudio Berlin. Si quereis participar, podeis poneros en contacto con Antina directamente en el email […]