Hi Folks,
the Barcelona-Berlin netlabel música vermella has announced three days of condensed netlabel activity @ Rauchhaus – a former squat and now alternative housing project in Berlin Kreuzberg. On Thursday 11-02 at 19h there will be a Dubstep Masterclass, Friday 20-02 a circuit bending workshop (same time).
On Saturday a netlabel meeting is announced to connect the Berlin netlabels, to discuss strategies of common promotion, the setup of a new event series (after the first and very successful netlag party circus…) and think about future forms of co-operation. Netaudio Berlin will be attending and not only support this event but also introduce some further netaudio persectives for 2010.
From 23h there’s a Electro / Dubstep / IDM party organised with a decent linup:
Raza Roja live [audio-visual project/ Barcelona]
Yarkovy live [abstract Dub/ France]
Madame live [IDM/ Breakcore/ Barcelona]
Pisu live [Dubstep/ Berlin & Barcelona]
Wermonster live [Psydub/ Berlin]
4 Cantons [IDM/ abstract HIP HOP/ Berlin & Barcelona]
For further infos check the flyer!
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Hey Lasst euch dat nicht entgehn..
Wir sehn uns am Samstag im Rauchhaus…