Netaudio Festival 09, Maria Berlin


Here’s our little – but hopefully growing – list of publications. With this collection we want to start building up an online ressource of intellectual exchange about themes and topics related to the field of netaudio, netlabels and net-related aspects in music business. Feel free to contribute your suggestions for further publications to us. There is no need to be a part of Netaudio Berlin in order to get published here!


Antina Michels

Netlabels- soziale Netze on- und offline

In ihrer ethnologischen Studie über das Phänomen Netaudio untersucht die Ethnologin Antina Michels, Co-Organisatorin des Netaudio Festivals 2009, auf welche Art und Weise Netaudio produziert werden, wie deren Akteure in lokalen und transnationalen Netzwerken kooperieren und auf welche Weise alternative Modelle zur konventionellen Musikindustrie entstehen können.

Durch die zahlreichen in dieser Pionierarbeit enthaltenen Interview-Passagen, Bilder und Beschreibungen bekommt der Leser einen authentischen Einblick in die Motive und Handlungsweisen der Akteure. Als eine der ersten wissenschaftlich fundierten Studien zum ‘Phänomen Netaudio’ kann dieses Buch als Fundament für weiterführende Untersuchungen im Themenbereich Netlabels und Netaudio empfohlen werden.

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Antina Michels (ed./ Hg.)

Reviewing Netaudio Festival Berlin 2009

Collection of articles and reports in partly German and English language – divided in four categories: Personal Festival Reports – with contributions from: Fernando Fonseca (PublicSpaces Lab Barcelona), David Domingo (, Marco Donnarumma (University of Edinburgh), and Vinilette (Femelek Festival Barcelona); Ideas around netaudio – with contributions from: Raimund Reintjes (Netaudio Berlin), Bastian Thüne (De:Bug), Andi Studer & Matt Spendlove (Netaudio London), Magali Rossi (LibreCommeLair Montpellier), Jenz Steiner (Blogger and netaudio artist from Berlin) and Konrad Behr (notheen, phonocake, DIY 2.0-Festival Dresden). Academic Articles come from: Patryk Galuszka (Università Di Bologna) and Antina Michels (Netaudio Berlin). Interview Podcasts by netwaves (Podcasting Crew from Leuve).

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Jasper Nijsmans

Some Rights Reserved:
Creative Commons in de Belgische muzieksector

After just seven years, Creative Commons is known and used all over the world. The Belgian music scene also has some examples of the adoption of Creative Commons. This paper intends to take a look at the past and present of copyright issues in music, including the birth and development of Creative Commons, with a strong focus on the Belgian musical scene. By linking the history of copyright in music to the case of the Belgian music and netaudio scene through research and interviews, a clear look on the present is intended to be given and some possibilities for the future are uncovered. The paper is Jasper Nijsmans’ dissertation and written in Dutch.

>> go to paper

One Response to “Publications”

  1. […] en Berlín en Octubre de 2009, Antina Michels, organizadora del evento ha recopilado en una publicación un conjunto de opiniones, reportajes, ideas y artículos sobre el festival y sobre el mundo […]

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